"A Date Which Will Live on in Infamy"

Today marks 82 years since the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Before I started researching Marion County Citizens who died in WWI and WWII, I didn't realize that Marion County had lost (at least) four citizens during the attack. At least 27 West Virginians are thought to have died due to the attack on Pearl Harbor.

F2 Joseph William Carroll:

Serving on the U.S.S. Oklahoma during the attack on Pearl Harbor

F1 George Vincent McGraw:

Serving on the U.S.S. California during the attack on Pearl Harbor

SGT Morris E. Stacey:

Serving at Wheeler Field as part of the 78th Pursuit Squadron, 18th Pursuit Group, as an aviation mechanic and radioman during the attack on Pearl Harbor.

S1 Clyde Richard Wilson:

Serving on the U.S.S. West Virginia during the attack on Pearl Harbor


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