SSGT Angelo Henry Crescenzi (WWII)

Staff Sergeant Angelo Henry Crescenzi was born in New York on May 30, 1915, the son of Pietro "Peter" Paul and Katie Dale (Floyd) Crescenzi. Peter, born in Italy, was a railroad employee with the B&O Railroad in Bellview from at least 1920 through his death in 1957. The family lived at 129 Main Street in Rivesville for that span of time, according to census records.

Angelo was the oldest son of 9 children, with 7 sisters and 1 brother. Angelo was 18 years older than his youngest sister. Angelo attended Rivesville High School, and went on to attend Fairmont State University (then "Fairmont State Teachers College).

Time at Fairmont State:

While at Fairmont State, Angelo participated in baseball (1935-1938) and football (1935-1938). During the fall 1938 football season, Angelo was the Captain of the "Fighting Teachers," as Fairmont State was known then.  It is interesting to note that Angelo played football with Fairmont State legend "Deacon" Duvall. 

Angelo's playing position was tackle, and the 1939 Mound Yearbook said of him: "During the past gridiron season, the work of the leader was most outstanding. Crescenzi was a bulwark of the defense, and had it not been for an injured proboscis, would have attained even greater glory in the football sphere. "Angie" graduates."

He was also a founding member of Lambda Alpha Sigma for student athletes, informally known as the "Letterman's Club," and the Zeta Sigma fraternity. Angelo was the secretary-treasurer for Lamba Alpha Sigma for the 1938-1939 school year. Angelo graduated from Fairmont State in 1939 with bachelor's degree in Social Science. 

Military Service:

Angelo enlisted in the National Guard on January 6, 1941. At the time, he listed his occupation as "Unskilled occupations in production of bakery products." The 1940 census lists his job as "machinist: bakery." Not much information exists about Angelo's time in the military.

In January 1944, Angelo was admitted for injury to his fibula caused by falling from a height. Angelo died March 17, 1944 in Georgia (death certificate 4796). While we were unable to obtain a copy of the actual death certificate, his hospital admission card states: "Diagnosis: nervous system, disorder of, other and unspecified; Second Diagnosis: Lung, atelectasis of, other." Atelectasis is the partial or complete collapse of a lung. His cause of death was listed as "disease." At the time, he had served in the military for 3 years and 2 months.

Angelo is buried at the Oaklawn Cemetery in Rivesville, West Virginia, alongside many members of his immediate family.



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