SGT Robert Wayman Simpson (WWII)

Remembering SGT Robert Wayman Simpson (Fairview/Daybrook)

January 15, 1918 - June 28, 1944


SGT Robert Wayman Simpson (Service # 35208334) was born January 15, 1918 in Daybrook, WV, the son of Edward and Bessie (Park) Simpson. Edward was a farmer in Daybrook (1920 - 1940 census). Unfortunately, Bessie died in 1929 at age 39 of pulmonary tuberculosis.

Robert attended Daybrook High School for 3 years (consolidated into Clay-Battelle High School in 1939)

Military Service:

He entered the draft on October 16, 1940. At the time that he completed his draft card, he was 5'8" and 149.5 lbs, with hazel eyes and blonde hair. He gave his address and that of his father's as (R.F.D. 2) Fairview.

Robert enlisted in the military on June 23, 1941 in Clarksburg, WV. The book Young American Patriots shows that Robert was trained/stationed at Fort Still (Oklahoma) and Fort Thomas (Kentucky) before serving in the South West Pacific Theatre. 

Battle of Lone Tree:

In June of 1944, Robert was serving with the 6th Division on the Army Artillery when it began its part of the Battle of Lone Tree in New Guinea. For a great explanation of the Battle of Lone Tree, click here.

A hospital admission form for Robert states that he was killed in action by a bullet to the thorax, at age 26 (see his Silver Star Citation for more details).

SGT Robert Wayman Simpson was awarded the Purple Heart, Silver Star (posthumously), two Bronze Stars, a good conduct medal, American Defense Medal, Victory Medal, and Pacific Island Liberation Medal (Young American Patriots).

Robert's Silver Star Citation:

"For gallantry in action near [redacted], New Guinea on 28 June 1944. When his Battalion Commander's party ran into an enemy ambush while on reconnaissance, he, disregarding his own personal safety, remained in position, under heavy enemy machine gun fire, and covered the withdrawal of the party with a heavy volume of fire. This courageous action resulted in his death. His courage, coolness and self sacrifice is worthy of the highest traditions of the service."

Survivors and Legacy:

In 1948, Robert's body was laid to rest in the Grafton National Cemetery in Grafton, West Virginia. He was survived by his father, Edward, two brothers (Leroy and Erman), and one sister (Thelma Simpson Foley).

SGT Robert Wayman Simpson is honored on the "Marion County Veterans Killed in Action" Memorial at Veterans Square in Fairmont, WV, and at the West Virginia State Veterans Memorial in Charleston, WV.

Sources and More Information:


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