PFC Howard Wade Dodd (WWII)

Remembering PFC Howard Wade Dodd (Fairmont/Pleasant Valley)

April 7, 1922 - July 26, 1944


PFC Howard Wade Dodd (Service #475400) was born in Fairmont, WV on April 7, 1922, the son of Clarence and Nellie (Dillow) Dodd.

Clarence worked at the Fairmont Motor Company, working his way up from "service man" (1930 Census) to mechanic (1940 Census) to service manager (1938 Fairmont City Directory). Between 1939 and 1943 he made the switch to working at the Fairmont Box Company, where he worked until his retirement. All the while, their growing family lived on Miller Avenue in Millersville.


Howard attended East Fairmont High School, graduating in the class of 1941. The 1940 Orion lists Howard's nickname as "Zeke, and the 1941 Orion yearbook, Howard as a member of the Yellow Jacket newspaper staff during his time at EFHS. 

It is unfortunate to note that Howard was not the only member of the EFHS class of 1941 to die in service during WWII. His classmates William "Bill" Layman, Leonard "Leo" Brown, and Tom Knox also died in service. 

Military Service:

Howard entered the draft on June 30, 1942, while living in Cleveland and working for Warner & Swasey. He was 5'10" and 155 lbs, with gray eyes, black hair, and ruddy skin.

He enlisted in the Marine Corps on September 22, 1942 and was mustered into the Tenth Separate Recruit Battalion in North Carolina and 7th Recruit Battalion in South Carolina before serving in the 21st Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division, 3rd Battalion, Company K. They trained at Camp Pendleton (January 1943) before being sent out into the field.

PFC Howard Wade Dodd was killed in action on July 26, 1944 on the Asan-Adelup Beachhead in Guam. He was posthumously awarded the Purple Heart and Navy Cross for his valiant actions in the line of duty that day.

Navy Cross Commendation:

The President of the United States takes pride in presenting the Navy Cross (Posthumously) to Howard W. Dodd (475400), Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps (Reserve), for extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty while serving with the Third Battalion, Twenty-First Marines, THIRD Marine Division, in action against enemy Japanese forces on The Asan-Adelup Beachhead, Guam, in the Marianas Group, on 26 July 1944. Boldly aggressive during the fierce assault, Private First Class Dodd fought with tenacious determination against a vastly outnumbering force of Japanese troops occupying a strategic hill on the right flank of his Battalion's position and, when his platoon was ordered to retire from the bitter, uneven battle, courageously volunteered to remain behind and cover the retirement. Severely wounded during the initial stages of withdrawal, he consistently refused medical aid, steadily delivering a continuous stream of accurate and devastating rifle fire at the enemy despite the overwhelming odds until fatally struck down at his post. By his intrepid initiative, resolute fortitude and great personal valor, Private First Class Dodd contributed essentially to the successful withdrawal of his platoon and aided materially in averting their threatened annihilation. His self-sacrificing devotion to duty in the face of almost certain death reflects the highest credit upon Private First Class Dodd and upon the United States Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country.

Commander in Chief, Pacific Forces: Serial 236 (February 8, 1945)


Howard was survived by his parents and three brothers: Robert, Paul, and Clyde. Paul and Robert both served in the Army during WWII. In 1948, Howard was interred at the Samuel Linn Cemetery in Bentons Ferry. 

PFC Howard Wade Dodd is honored on the "Marion County Veterans Killed in Action" Memorial at Veterans Square in Fairmont, WV, as well as on the Asan Bay Landing Memorial Wall in Guam.

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